Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wrtier's Block.

The worst thing that can happen to a writer, blogger or an artist. You have everything prepared to start on your latest projects. You anxious to start, waiting for that magical moment when the mind, body and soul entwines with the physical word to create the magic of art. Then, bam! Your mind goes blank! Not a thought, an image, a solution or a sound can't come out of the mind and the heart.

It happened to all of us in some aspect of our daily lives. You don't need to be an artist, scientist, guru or someone "special." Just aiming to finish an investigation, sweep the floors or work on some menial task. As any of us lacking the "inspiration", frustration can become a trending topic on your daily life. Can be out of laziness, tiredness, etc.

Is the worst enemy of an artists. Can go with the flow of emotion, thought and nature until that huge castle wall rises from the ground to stop. Is when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. What happens? They both surrender (in my owns perspective.) But, as anything in life, a wild opportunity appears to stop, think and find a new way to the goal or objective.

A mental o emotional block is like getting into a roadblock. Procrastination officers pull you over and ask for your inspiration permit and thought license. The worst part is the drunkenness of the mental block making you stupor while walking in a straight line said by the officers. You fail and they put the procrastination handcuff and throw you in the back of the squad car. Banged your head with the door's edge and the drunkenness starts to fade away little by little. Realizing that you have been handcuffed by obstruction and procrastination, the inspiration comes back swiftly and recovers what had been lost with a few added things along the way. As you mix the setting of that embarrassing situation and the new knowledge, the handcuffs' grip gets stronger. As you wander off with the procrastination cops to the precinct, the drunkenness fully stops and the inspirations continues as you become aware of your surroundings.

As the procedure follows, you get bail. Inspiration help you out with a clean slate. As you start to work with your project, the events of the blockage fades away and turns into a new point of view. Is not the procrastination, is when the body, mind and soul tell you not to work on that yet. Let your mind rest and start again fresh.

And that's how I feel when I start to work on some new project or my day-job. Always wanted to start a book or a blog. But, the mental block gets in my way. A block can be presented in any way possible, from a thought to a physical object.

You can find inspiration from a rock to the love of your life.  That's how the artist and the scientist work, observing their surroundings, internalizing with their own knowledge and let things flow from their logical (science) and illogical/allegorical (art) to form a new project.