Friday, March 9, 2012

Brainstorming and Blabbing in a chilvary way...

Any writer, professional and amateur alike, they work with block and brainstorming. I had a great teacher who taught me about both in my junior and senior year in high school. That's one of my happy memories that I have. There isn't many of them during those years. I wanted to write or talk to the few of the readers that lurk around for ideas, mocking or simply boredom. So I can't, not because I'm a cunt. Because, is too many ideas for a short period of time to write.

Procrastination can be an "unslapped" bitch. Since yesterday, I couldn't write about anything, drowsiness took over and made me sleep. The procrastination, like now, doesn't help me at all to write this. It's fun because it can help you to gather new ideas for old writings. For old, touching the same issues as any other. But, hopefully doing it in my own way. Although, I'm working through it. Do me a kindness, help me through it by reading this "garbage".  Does kinda of suck for an amateur writer like me to do this, even when I have the time of the world.

As I sit in front of my laptop, looking the beautiful Caribbean Sky over the blanket of sea covering the sleeping continent of Atlantis, can't over come the constellations of ideas flowing in my head. I'm trying to meditate and let things flow, like Buddha. Detaching the feeling of the ideas and observing with objectivity. I love the muse (also the band too) or inspiration without ideas, because it does motivate to do stuff. Artistic or not. Everybody can be an artist in their lives, only need inspiration to do greatness in menial things. That's my vision of the world. Just don't let your ego overcome your personality.

You know, I as a character of my own ego, had to wait almost more than 10 years to over my stage fright to write something like this. Always start something and then, erase all because of a mishap with some cowardly warrior of words and bytes. Maybe it was Midnight in Paris flick that resurrected or motivated me to write again. But this time, is to stay. Being a valiant keyboard warrior, with a space-bar sword and a display shield, not a easy task when you were surrounded by negativity. Is my eternal conflict as a wannabe writer. Every great artist had conflicts with their surroundings. At the same time, love, nostalgia and many things to be inspired to work. Maybe is part of our memetic/genetic memory or reincarnations in this and many planes. Only the heart can tell the story.

Randomly speaking, yesterday was International Women's Day. Perpetuating the chauvinistic way of society. Why in the blue hell should be a day dedicated to women? Why the women had to suffer all the way through history to have equality in society? When she has to be equal as the man. Is just another excuse to divide and conquer the society to keep them dominated. We are equal, except for curves, hormones and where you take piss and how do it. Women should have never faced the tribulations to get their rights. Should've been always from the dawn of time, before the chauvinistic came around.

And what I mean for that, is from both sexes. Sexism, in my honest opinion, is the most damaging thing to any movement. Leaders use that to manipulate the grassroots to their own personal agendas and maintaining their power in the movements. But, is the same society is keeping the illusion of equality to both sexes. Women are still paid less than men in the same jobs. Even on how they treat the opposite sex.  Is just another form of manipulation to ensure power over another. In history, women and men shared the same chores in their tribes. They hunt, gather and take care of their progeny. Even the other way around, women hunted and the men stayed in their village taking care of stuff. Many people tend to forget that, my friends. Women bear children, suffer from monthly pains, take care of the house and they even have to look beautiful to their spouses.

Each year, I always do a social experiment. I say chauvinistic comments to people political correctness, brains and tolerance towards this day. Surprisingly, many took it at as a joke and criticism towards society. Many didn't and accused me of being a pig. If they left those thought and prejudice, it would be a bit better. Although, men doesn't have a day to celebrate their battles and progress, but they have "Happy Hour" in Fridays to commemorate their weekly battles over some pints of beer and nachos.
It goes for any celebrating day, like Mothers, and Fathers Day. It should be everyday! Is society telling us on which day we should celebrate everything? Maybe. The only days we could celebrate is when a historical person or event happened. I don't mind the holidays. It does gives me time to balance my check book.

Chivalry is getting lost in the sands of these ages. It does sadden me. Always, I've being a gentleman. Open the door, giving my seat to a lady or an old person, standing up when a person or a lady comes along, and carrying her bags. Is becoming scarce.

Let me tell you a story, I used to date this enthralling girl. She was pretty and smart. Has a kind heart, but, an Inferno of issues. In the first date, I've opened the door to get through. She was astonish by the action and told: "none of the guys I've gone out with, had do that." I was perplexed by her expression.
Believe, I come from old romantic school. Always thought that a man does that when going out. But, I crashed and burned into the reality of my days. Many men doesn't do that! It was kind of obvious. I wonder, what happened to the "old kind of love" that still be told in stories? Really, not even pulling the seat when they are sitting in the dinner table. Maybe, I'm just timely displaced in this period or I'm conserving those customs.  One can be charming, but, needs to be chivalrous to complement the personality. I wonder how they get hitched by savage behavior. Maybe, we are going back to be a cavemen with high tech. At least, those were simpler times. People like me are a dying breed with a few hopes in the light of the future in the next generations.

I don't pretend to be cheesy. That never was my intention. Like I said before, too much of a thing is bad.  Is how to be balanced when it comes to dating someone.

Another thing I wanted to talk, sexuality. I was talking to an acquaintance of mind in her status in Fakebook. She posted something about sexuality. Besides jokes aside, all the people talked in the conversation said some really cool stuff. All hope is not gone.  People are getting more educated instead of entertained or repressed. Even though, repression and censorship with audiovisual explosion and overexposure lingers around. And that's where the dilemma lies, in the oxymoron or contradiction.

This contraction is a phenomenon of the transition of cultures, from old and new alike. Where sexuality is repressed, yet, is flourishing inside of private places. For example, gay and lesbians  getting out of the closet. As they censor it, they do worst than they preach. It happened to many politicians. Also, the high rate of pregnancy between teens and early 20s, whom are unprepared for huge task; the upbringing of a newborn. Or the many sexual "disorders" that are around. And for what I mean disorders, is fetishes and other stuff. Some sexologists and psychologists consider fetishes as a bad thing. Well, it could be, if it is done in excess. But, at the same time they say "open up and let your imagination flow." C'mon, is the one or the other?

Other huge problem is the rise of STDs. Is turning to a norm in society, where everyone has something in their bibis and wiwis. Not that everybody has it, but, the use of protection is lesser than before, even with propaganda, not education around. I've seen beautiful people having some kind of venereal disease, because they didn't use protection and trusted their spouse. With proper education, not propaganda, the sexual problem of society can be fixed until a degree that could open and explore new possibilities in human psychology as Freud and others did.

As sexual propaganda goes, is aimed for the money of the target's pocket. Exposure without a proper education, could be damaging to a person's psyche. Why?! Because, some terms, connotations and images can be confusing to an uneducated mind. I'm not pretending to be an old fart, is the other way around, there should be a sexual liberation, but with a great education.

 Having a blog, by quintessential time, can be hard work. Especially when opening for comments (for the 2 o 3 fellas that read me), changing a few bolts in the bin, etc. I used to manage a few pages around. But, most of them, the social networks killed them. :( Although, blogs are surviving, which I like. Everybody is using Facebook to publish stuff, without having someone tastes in the posts. Is posting or selling in Sam's Club, you gotta work with the lame colors, instead having some identity in your own page. Also, that site have mental institute colors. Makes me go crazy, instead of calm. No matter, if they add a few things, still the same... Is like painting everything white, even the designs in black. Thank Buddha/God/Goddess/Chuck Norris that there's different places to post stuff like this garbage which you are reading.

Peace! :D