Friday, March 16, 2012

Escape from Insularism

As I walk towards to start of my escape route
I confront every enemy and situation who will stop at nothing.
Thoughts of friends and family that became enemies.
Memories of happy times fades away as anger rushes
The rage of battle, the angry strikes of my sword in the dichotomy of reality.

The part of sporadic peace of my victories and eternal anger at my failures.
Failures of following wrong advices in a good ol 'tone manner.
The insular-ism that permeates in the clouded minds of the inhabitants
Those I regretfully, yet amicable, try to help to get their minds and hearts out of their asses.
Rather spend every minute wallowing in their 3st World despair with 1rd World consequences

Those who puts every wall in front of them to justify their created misery.
Getting any chance to put their efforts  of failure to succeed in their hallow and wicked losses.
Even they wander in the mist of ignorance dressed as pseudo-intellectualism, modern art and Victorian mockery of their blindness.
Some of them shield their losses with others failures and mock them for not thinking the same way about any particular thing.

This separate state of mind copes the loneliness of their own minds.
Minds that can not be open, because of their stubborn intellect
They turned out to be the same as their opposition.
Both sides of the same coin.
Drown in their own thoughts of belligerent intellectualism.

As I wander in the darkness of curiosity, the thoughts of war with egocentric people wane in my own nostalgic sorrow.
For a better yesterday, for a great tomorrow,
this present stay hurts what is left of my heart.
And ponders through the universe of my mind.

Persons reaching for the next big thing, instead for the permanent great thing.
They are nomads of thoughts, searching for a new parameter in uncritical thinking.
Screaming at each other for who's better in politics, sports and who gives the best gossip.
That insularism that many artists, true leaders spoke of,
is destroying any work towards freedom of thought and pursue of enlightenment.

Every time I see a daily spectacle of the absurd, saddens me more.
Becoming intelligent and practical is a sign of dissent.
One can practical, but not intelligent
One can be intelligent, but not practical.
Dissent as been my friend all along.

Home is where the heart is.
My heart never belonged to this place.
I'm a traveler, a rouge scholar, an exiled and a nomad.
Can't stay around people with that mindset.
They pretend to overcome their fears and falls by hiding under a mask of intellectualism and underestimating people.

As they predates on the insularist mindset, people who comes with valiant ideas
they get shunned away for being "sick".
For not adoring the tribalism and appearance class ism that dictates their own society
I'm a Pariah, alienated by own thoughts and compassion for the surroundings.
I see everything from different perspective. As an exiled man.

As I valiantly put my thoughts into battle, I head out through the exit.
To a new state of being. Transcending into a new level thought.
Connecting everything diverse and uniting them, without losing what makes them attractive.
This my escape from a mindset that destroys everything good from knowledge.
Watching the world burn as the egoism dressed in silk.

Insularism is the same as alienation.
Living a false reailty, pretending to be secured.
People who deny their defects and yet,
they show them blatantly during interaction.
Is an contradiction of sorts.