Sunday, March 25, 2012

Conspiracy Theories, Tin Foil Hats and Nutjobs

Holy Hera! I wanted to write about this for quite a while, but, the inspiration perspire through my brain pores and dissipates into thin air like a good ol' fart. Could be a conspiracy from my neurons, brain stem and other parts of the brains that don't want to collaborate with me? Um, one could know.

Conspiracy theories is a huge part of history, at least from my point of view. Of course, depending which ones. Some are backed with solid information and others, are mere speculation or imagination from some nutjob high on acid. They usually start from a rumor, a "heresay", a leak or a whistleblower. The last two are the toast of the town these days. And it starts like a snowball, rolling and rolling until turns an avalanche. A few causes to mention, is the lack of information on a particular manner, like an attack, terrorist plot or a false-flag (staged) or experimentation with a country or a concentrated group of people.

Although, I'm going into detail for each one because it will get too long and many of you doesn't read more than 2 paragraphs. Taken the point aside, let us continue, shall we? I've seen a lot of conspiracy theories. some of them to an extended that really affected society, despite the hard denial from the government and some others, lets say, quite ludicrous. For example, chemicals in the water. Many people doesn't believe that chemicals are put in the water. From sodium fluoride, lithium, even Prozac to contraceptives. The last one touches very deep in some countries, like Puerto Rico, where they experimented with that on women. Many of them died and population rates lower to such point, where schools in rural towns or cities closed down due to the lack of people. Also count, emigration to the States. There's a lot of research to read about it. Many people in the US and other parts of the World, went up to their politicians and protest about the chemicals in the water. Many complied and others still on the way. In Puerto Rico, thank you very much. Still no movement. A few a "awake" about the topic, despite the studies made and the metallic taste of water lingers in the mouth. Many people that I know, bought filters and became a bit conscious about the water system of the Island.
But, that's another topic I want to discuss later in further detail.  There's a few other more theories, but, that's for another time and I want to explain each one with uttermost detail.

There's a problem between them, is that many are "awake". And I stressed that out for a few reasons:

Falling for the Book/Video/Rating Ad in their own shows.
Appealing to their masses
Concentrating "troublesome people" in one ground
Growing their own massive egos.

Now, if you don't agree or debunk the conspiracy theorist, they call each other "COINTELPRO" (counter intelligence, which is a strategy) and disinformation agent. It could be true, there's some conspiracy theorists that works closely government or economic interests. Others, for getting more money for their luxurious bunker somewhere in America, selling the products and many more.

I've seen a lot of sites concerning about theories. Let me tell you, is an insane asylum, despite there's a few bright, objective people. Most of them, are nuts, fell for the disinformation spell and others are whistleblowers who like to really help out. I always ran into those kind of people, or conspiracy buffs, and you engage a discussion about the theories. Some of them ignore the cold and hard fact of science (which it can be manipulated, as everything else), some ignore the history facts (also manipulated) and others speculate to confirm their ideas. Always take precautions when reading those type of sites, many wackos there. As for instance, many believe in "reptilians" or other lifeforms dominating the human species through proxies. I wonder if Bowser ruled the world, wait that's the plot for Super Mario's movie. Others in cabal that controls everything. This couldn't be that farfetched. Most of rich people are weird people.Also, most of the working men and women.

Most of the alternate press has been branded with the conspiracy tag or any "-ism". Is a bit wrong for them, because they don't manipulate or censor events. Some of them are ridiculous, almost cartoonish.Even they stage some of the events just to make the profit from the sheeple. Term used by the "awaken" to describe other people who disagree with them. Some of them are delusional, some are truthful and other plain greedy.  Being "awaken" is none other being or try to be an elitist, the need to feel superior over others because of the "knowledge" they have. Is the same as an "intellectual dick measuring." They call each other names to justify their positions and their fanbase.
They even tell you "question everything." Question any of them, they charge with a nonsensical words and bullshitical concepts that makes the best liar and dis informant shocked in awe.

As a amateur researcher and wannabe comedian, I did a lot of studies on their behavior. Don't misunderstand, I'm not a psychologist, just a mere blogger with hopes of becoming a writer; amazed by the sheer stupidity of such, ignoring science facts and makes new ones for getting money or more fanbase. Don't mistake this, I'm always up for alternative ways of doing things, specially doing medicine and other stuff, since Big Pharma tends manipulate results and change medicinal properties of chemicals, bacteria and plants.

One can be skeptic, but too much of it, makes one person an idiot. I'm not telling, go now and believe in something. That would be very stupid of you to do that or even try. For the super skeptics, they close they minds, believe on what they like, attack the new and the unknown while trying to look smart. Nah, I shall call them hipsters too.Why?! They share the same behavioral patterns as that sub culture, but with a huge difference, they like to get dirty. I have seen people getting bashed for showing new light and evidence or try to correct the other for getting those 2 inches of "brain penis/brain titties". I have seen on televised lectures, daily discussions and listened on radio shows. Who's more barbaric? Those who fight with weapons or those who fight with words and concepts? It does happen in the conspiracy circles. Let's say gets on steroids and they call each other names like little kids. It does happen in the activists movements and so other. Just to get in the spotlight and revealed their "correct vision" to the world.

People confuses Conspiracy Theory with Whistleblowing a lot. They are two different things, but, yet the same. Because, the whisleblowing starts from conspiracy theory/research/alternate press and then it becomes that. The problem is many people are way too "skeptic", brainwashed, in denial or simply doesn't give a flying marsupial twat. I've seen cases or situations (like Wikileaks, many of the FDA, local gov scandals and others) where they exposed the lies, manipulations and propaganda of the governments, companies and persons. If it wasn't for that, would've been worst.

Finalizing this algebraic nonsense that took me a lot to write. Damn conspiracy of ideas and busy plans! When it comes to your own research, keep this in mind: study and question everything. Curiosity paved the way to culture and science.